Coastal Carolina Quilters
of Surfside Beach, SC
Jelly Roll Race Rules
You will need a jelly roll or you can cut forty-two (42) 2 1/2” strips by WOF. Sew the strips end-to-end, either straight or on a 45 degree angle. Cut approximately 18” off of one end. If you don’t cut some off then your seams will line up when you start sewing the long strips together. You want the seams to be staggered, not lined up.
On your mark, get set, Sew!! Place both ends of your lo-o-o-ong, 1600” strip, RST and start sewing along one side. It’s a great help if you have a friend or someone helping you to keep the, now 800”, strip from twisting. Sew!! Sew!! Sew!! Once you have sewn to within about 1/4” of the fold, stop and cut on the fold. Open it up - you now have a 2-strip set, approx. 800” long. Bring the bottom of that strip set to meet the top, stitch along one side and cut on the fold - giving you a 4-piece strip set, 400” long. Continue in this manner until you have 32 strips across, approximately 50” in length. Once the top is sewn, square it up.