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Coastal Carolina Quilters
of Surfside Beach, SC
Here are your Guild Officers
We work hard to make CCQ the best and to provide informative programs and classes. Let us know if there is something more we can do to ensure your satisfaction with your membership.
Contact us at:

2024 CCQG Officers (L-R) Lou Veverka-President, Mo Starkey-Vice President, Mary Jude Patterson-Secretary, Deb Borden-Treasurer
These are the go-to members for our many committees and events:
Membership - Peggy DeVivo and Mary Terwiske
Hospitality - Kathy Henry and Maggie Ognek
Historian - Jan McGinty
Sunshine - Patti Balsinger
Newsletter - Christine Vancil
Website - Patti Sperry
Programs - Connie Fallon and Joanne Shropshire
Charity Projects - Margo Woolard
Updated 12/12/2023
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