Coastal Carolina Quilters
of Surfside Beach, SC

Website editor - Patti Sperry

Coastal Carolina Quilters
CCQ was first established in November, 1988 with about 30 members. Today we meet at the beautiful Oceanside Village Community Center in Surfside Beach, SC, on the third Monday of each month, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. And, our little group is no longer little. We have grown to over 125 members eager to share their knowledge and expertise with one another.
CCQ is dedicated to expanding the love of quilting with all of its members. No matter what aspect of quilting you love the most, you can find ladies and some gentlemen here that share your passi0n for all things quilting. Our group's main goals are the education of our members and sharing what we have with others through our charitable projects. For our monthly meetings, we bring in outside speakers and teachers from all parts of the country to share their quilting knowledge as well as have in-house demonstrations. We give back to the community by working on a variety of charity projects throughout the year. The July and August meetings are workshops devoted entirely to completing some of those projects so that they can be presented to our various charities. We hope you will join us and see what we have to offer.
This MAP will give you directions to our monthly meetings.